The following is an excerpt summary. Read the full article here.
Archetype Solutions Group and the Wellness Council of America (WELCOA) have released a summary of a roundtable discussion between its Well-Being Trailblazers cohort and leading health and benefits brokers. The discussion focused on employer needs for well-being solutions and revealed the top five influential trends impacting the decisions of employers when it comes to health and well-being benefits. These include:
Shift in focus to well-being benefits as a core part of benefits plans
Greater intentionality with benefits design
Increased interest in leadership training for culture change
An emphasis on results-driven wellness solutions
Inclusivity in benefits strategies for gig economy workers
Tele-medical solutions were a good test case for how brokers can offer more convenient and personalized solutions that meet employees where they are. Solution providers need to be able to continue anticipating and meeting the changing needs of the workforce. Looking ahead, every provider should be looking to create more custom, inclusive, and proactive resources for employees and employers.